Sunday 26 April 2015

There Is Far Less Attention For White Privilege Sports That Do Not Adapt

By Toni Vang

Everyone should try and do some or other form of sport as it not only keeps one healthy but also teaches how to interact with other people. It also helps many to accept how to be gracious when winning or losing. There are some people that still ask if there are any white privilege sports left but irrespective of color it is a sport where many still make friends no matter what the race might be.

Many years ago in all races it was the norm for the whites to have a leg up over the blacks in regard to having jobs, housing as well as schooling. It meant that the whites were given an advantage of having a head start. In some cases this might still be true. A survey was taken in the United States of America asking the population if there were certain benefits in today's society to being white. The poles came back with fifty three percent saying yes, forty two saying no, and three percent saying they don't know.

The amount of physical activities that one does will depend on ones age and level of fitness. Starting off slow is better than not doing anything even if it means only walking up the road to the shops and back again. Everyone has to start off somewhere and as the days progress so will the level of energy increase.

Many experts say that a minimum of thirty minutes a day of moderate activity will suffice but try to include some vigorous activity as well. Having someone to do the exercises with is a great idea as the time will fly by and before one knows it an hour has past. If there is no one then take headphones and listen to all ones favorite songs.

Skateboarding is a great sport that involves many complicated tricks and is also considered a job as well as a means of transportation. When it first became popular it was considered to be a white's only sport but that is now being changed by William Lee Lamar. He has been doing surfing and skateboarding for over twenty two years and he is now bringing his passion to people of his own race.

The censor also says that out of the one hundred and seventy five corner backs, one hundred and seventy are black. At the running back position one hundred and seven out of one hundred and twenty players of African American. The decision for recruiting these players could very well be because of their height, weight as well as their skill and has nothing to do with their color.

Before even thinking of joining some activity it is a good idea to try and quit smoking. It not only has a severe affect on the body but can also make one very light headed and breathless while exercising. It is a proven fact that after a few days of quitting one will be able to breathe easier and the sense of smell and taste will come back.

Being an East Asian seems to be even harder as they are stereotyped as being both athletically and physically poorer to any other race. This has lead to them not being recruited as well as badly under-represented in many sports. In athletics they only represent two percent while in the National Football League about one point nine percent, something that has really changed with the decades.

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