Wednesday 5 June 2019

Doctor-Approved Tips On How To Prevent The Flu Naturally

By Scott Taylor

Not everybody considers getting the influenza vaccine as an option. This is most especially true for someone who doesn't like needles. Luckily, he or she may simply follow some doctor-approved tips on how to prevent the flu naturally and effectively. They are perfect for a person who isn't vaccinated in order to enjoy lowered risk of getting down with an infection.

Influenza can be blamed on a virus. Needless to say, it's of utmost importance for the individual to have his or her immune system strengthened. No amount of antibiotics can kill off viruses, including those that are known to cause influenza. It goes without saying that having a very strong immune system is the secret to avoiding getting sick.

Making sure that the immune system is in an excellent shape can be done in so many different ways. Health experts say that the best method to attain such is by including lots of foods packed with vitamin C in the diet on a regular basis. Some of the best food sources of the said nutrient are citrus fruits and dark green leafy vegetables. Plenty of vitamin C can also be found in an assortment of tropical fruits such as guavas, papayas and mangoes.

Regularly exercising is also excellent for boosting a person's immune system. Going for moderate-intensity routines for at least 20 minutes each time is recommended by the experts. Also, exercising should be done not less than 5 times a week. Aside from influenza, there are so many other health-related matters that regular exercise can help keep at bay.

Someone whose everyday living is extremely stressful is said to be at high risk of going down with an infection. This is why dodging as many life stressors as possible can be really beneficial. Once the exhausting day is through, it's a good idea for him or her to engage in all kinds of stress-lowering activities. Just about anything that can encourage utmost mental and physical relaxation can yield the desired results. Some very common examples are meditating, performing yoga, being massaged by a professional, listening to relaxing music, reading a book, writing in the diary and taking a soothing bath.

Health experts say that you should always have plenty shut-eye every single night. Try your best to get 7 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep that's restorative. Constantly being deprived of much-needed sleep can actually increase your chance of developing influenza and other health problems as well.

Leading a healthy lifestyle is very important, too. Someone who is a smoker should quit the unhealthy habit without any delay. Otherwise, thousands of poisonous substances present in cigarette smoke can considerably increase infection risk. When it comes to the intake of alcohol, it should be done in moderation.

Frequently washing the hands is a very effective way to prevent influenza naturally. This has to be done most especially after touching objects or surfaces that could be contaminated. If antibacterial soap and water are not accessible, using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer liberally may be done in order to eliminate the influenza virus.

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