Tuesday 13 January 2015

What Is A Busboy?

By George Dodson

Sampling restaurants can be a fun endeavor. You can decide where to go and what you want to eat. The waiters welcome you with open arms and wait to serve you the best way they can. You can request for a tumbler of water or an additional napkin or two; they are there for the sole purpose of serving you. After having your meal, you gather your items, put aside a tip and ride home. Your journey is about to conclude. Someone else's voyage however, is just starting. The person responsible for clearing the mess you've made to prepare the table for the next customer is the busboy.

Eateries usually have busboys to attend to look after the preparation of each table before and after a customer uses it.

Busboys are not usual in America. Some offer to serve customers snacks and beverages even before the customer takes the initiative to do so. They may assist in the serving of food if necessary.

"Bussing as a profession generates very poor income. They are heavily reliant on tips as their hourly or weekly month is very poor.

Small eateries like diners feature busboys carrying boxes in which used or new cutlery are heaped in. Fancy eateries' busboys carry every plate of food singly, sometimes in only one hand. This takes a lot of time but helps uphold the image of fancy restaurants.

Many a famous actor was, at an initial point in his or her life, a busboy for the sake of earning some pocket money perhaps when times were hard.

Al Pacino was a bus boy at a time. This was eons before he struck gold as an actor.

Alec Baldwin worked at Studio 54 in New York.

President of Vietnam Mr. Ho hin Mingh himself "bussed" in an eatery in Boston in Parker House Hotel.

Jon Stewart was a busboy at a Mexican restaurant.

Johnny Depp, well known for his role as "Captain Jack Sparrow" in the Pirates of the Caribbean movie franchise, was a busboy prior to his acting career.

The next time you are out to eat at your favorite restaurant, keep in mind that the reason that place looks so good is because of those hard working busboys and busgirls that work to keep it that way. Go ahead; give them a little extra in tips. That is how they make their living. You never know, maybe one of them will become famous and remember your night out.

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