Thursday 17 March 2016

How To Rank Well In Search Engines

By Bradley Northwood

Millions of men and women in the world today want to rank well in the search engines for business purposes. Many websites today are hurting because they lack exposure. Most business owners only get exposure if they pay for it through PPC (pay per click) advertising and marketing. Is there ever any reason why you should sit back and allow your website to tank in the free searches? The answer to this question is no. Why do so many websites do well and others completely tank? Learn to get concrete information about search engines.

Most businesses today have given up on SEO. They are instead relying on Pay Per Click experts and field marketers. They are going back to good old fashioned knocking on doors. The reason for this is that there are too many businesses to compete with on the internet. Without a good SEO strategy, your business is doomed to fail. People are not looking for business in the Yellow Pages anymore. In fact, most people throw out or put their Yellow Pages in the closet. The internet makes it too easy to search for anything. You can even speak into your I-phone in order to have your computer find information for you.

Do pictures and video matter anymore? This is a question that is easy to answer now a days. The easy answer to this question is yes! Pictures to matter because we live in an extremely visual society. In the days of the Moby Dick novel, you did not need to have pictures. Most people enjoyed reading the printed word and actually had their only pictures of what you were saying in their minds. Today, the world has changed. People see pictures in magazines, television and the internet. Without a good picture, most people won't even bother with what you wrote. Your content must be factual and capture the reader's attention. If you don't know how to write good content, find someone that does.

Content has always been king on the internet. The search engines look for content that it thinks a person would find to be most useful. Most content writers say that a post should be at least 1,500 words. This may sound like a lot of words to you. However, if you go to CNN's website, you will find that most of their posts are over 500 words and include either a video or picture. You won't find many posts with just an article. They have one of the most highly trafficked websites in the world. It is clear that people love to read and look at pictures at the same time.

Today, ranking website in the search engines is a full time job. Most people don't understand that you must have many different websites linking to your site. If you don't have a good reputation on the internet, then you simply do not exist. It is not easy for a lot of people to get reviews. After all, most websites on the internet are small business sites. They do not have the money to hire a team of writers to write content for them. In fact, most websites today have a small fraction of writers working for them. If you know how to write, start writing content that people will enjoy reading.

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