Thursday 23 January 2014

The Pros And Cons Of Rooming With Your Best Friend

By Hedrick Lepsch

As a college student in the 21st century, it is no easy task trying to keep yourself focused. With new cool gadgets coming out every day, it is just getting easier and easier to spend time on the latest tablet, phone, or game. Everyone is connected with devices such as these and trying to keep yourself focused while studying and keep these distractions out can seem like running up a river. But there is hope! Below are a few of the game changers to help you deal with this impossible task and pick up your grades in doing so.

As you begin your college career, you want to make sure and protect the friendship you've had. It's pretty incredible to see how much can drive you crazy about a person when you live with them. These are things that never came out before because you were only together a few hours a day, rather than all day and all night. You don't want to have your friendship ruined because you get annoyed with each other's habits and start arguing all the time. College is a big enough change for you, and you need to maintain that great relationship you've had with your best friend.

As hard as it is to move on from the past, it is important to at least start to try and distract yourself from it. Once you meet new people and make friends your focus will change from the past to the present. You can join local community clubs and organizations to participate in service activities that will help you take your mind off yourself and what you miss and remind you of what in your life you are thankful for.

As important as it is to take your mind off of home, it is also important not to forget it. Sometimes the best way to make yourself feel better about being away from home is planning the next time you are going to go back. Budget how much money you have and how much you will need for travel costs.

The key will be to set ground rules and even goals. If you both understand going into your time as roommates the need to make new friends and get out of your comfort zones, you'll push each other to do so.

Sometimes many temptations for social media are situational based. If you are big into gaming and want to make sure that you stay connected with your online friends, than perhaps it is best to study at a public library, on a public computer.

Studying at your apartment can make it easy for you to cave when your friends are around indulging in what you want to be a part of with phones, etc. Rid yourself of these temptations. Try studying at a park on a blanket, or go try out your public library. You will have a much more enjoyable and liberating study this way.

It doesn't matter if you are studying Business Administration, Accounting, Property Management, Event Planning, New Media Marketing, or Programming; we are all eventually susceptible to the pangs of home sickness. Everyone deals with it in different ways but what is important to remember is that it is possible to overcome. Once you are able to find your place in your new surroundings, you will not have the same feeling of home sickness you had before.

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