Monday 21 January 2013

Proven Strategies to Improve Your blog Traffic

By Abe Vu

It's one thing to have a website, it's another thing to know how to increase blog traffic to your site. Every day people are setting up new blogs. Some people join the Empower Network blogging platform, some people use their own self-hosted WordPress websites. Some people want the free route of Blogspot or Wordpress.

Some people run out of things to write about. This is by no means a rare occurrence.

More importantly, people stop blogging after a short time because they complain they aren't getting any traffic. Many people have the mistaken belief that blogging works like the line from the movie Field of Dreams: "If you build it, they will come."

Most people with websites need to increase website traffic, plain and simple. They don't do it because they don't know how.

Four Strategies to Increase Website Traffic

I've identified four ways that you can get more traffic to your website.

#1: Stop Writing About Your Belly Button Lint

Remember the early days of Facebook? People would post their daily diary of activities. Things like "Ate Captain Crunch Today for Lunch." The same was true of websites.

If you really want to increase website traffic, stop writing about your daily activities and personal habits. No one cares unless you're a movie star or rock star. If one of the President's kids decided to start a website about "my life in the White House", you can bet we would all want to read it.

But face it. You're not that famous. Therefore, if you're writing insipid posts about your cat's grooming habits and your battles with your mother, that could be why you're not getting traffic to your website.

So, what should you be writing about? Try a subject you're really interested in. If you were to visit your local bookstore, what section would you go to first, and what books would you shop for? That's a great topic to start with. If the subject is "organizing your life", or "public speaking", or "how to save money with coupons", you will find an audience.

#2: Share What You Post

Get your content on the internet by sharing your blog posts on any social media sites. Which social media sites? Just about any will do. You know the big places to start: Facebook, LinkedIn, and bookmarking sites like Digg.

A good place to start is forums on your topic of choice. Get into discussions and add your own ideas to the discussions. When joining a forum, be sure to setup your "forum signature", and include a link that directs people to your blog.

Where do you find forums? Simple. Do a search on your favorite search engine!

Note: Think before you post! Don't join just to spam your links to the community.

#3: Share What Other People Post

I call this "sharing the love" because what you're doing is sharing what other people post on their sites. This is called backlinking.

When other people find out that you have mentioned them in one of your posts, they are going to come to your site and see what you said about them. So will some of their readers. Boom! More traffic to your blog!

Not long ago, I wrote a pretty good post about types of stories you should have to explain your business. One day I got an email about a trackback from another website written by someone I greatly admire. On one of his posts on his own website, he linked to my article! Boom went my blog traffic! (Yes, I did contact him and let him know I was grateful for the links.))

I believe in doing the same thing for other people. It's an easy way to get traffic to your website, so do it.

#4: Go to Other Websites and Make Comments

This is a pretty simple way to increase website traffic to your site. Simply find other people who write websites on your topic, read what they write, and make a comment.

Comment because you have something to say, but also comment because you get a link back to your site. Make sure that link points back to your own blog!

Just don't be stupid and choose any blog to comment on.

First of all, be sure to target websites that are on the same subject as yourwebsite. The other person has a blog that gets targeted traffic, so people will visit YOUR website if your website is on the same subject.

Second of all, do your commenting manually. You can get software to automate your website commenting, but I don't recommend it. Google programmers are pretty smart and can figure out what comments are real and which are automated.

If you really want an easy way to increase blog traffic, then make sure you update your website on a regular basis.

In the beginning, "a regular basis" means "every day".

There's a simple reason you should blog new content every day. blogging every day gives the search engines notice that the website is "alive" and active. Search engines are just robots with algorithms that look for how often a blog is updated. Posting every day will get targeted traffic to your blog.

Your blog visitors will enjoy reading new content, too. Not only will they keep coming back to read, they will also share what you've written and that will get more traffic!

I hope you've found these four strategies useful for helping you to increase your website visitors.

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