Wednesday 27 February 2013

Your Presentation Title May Be Causing You To Lose A Great Deal Of Funds By James Malinchak

By Rubin Price

When it comes to preparing topics as well as presentation titles, there is a lot more research needed to select a winning combination. Unfortunately, through my years of consulting, I commonly hear speakers say, 'I'm going to speak on X topic because I enjoy that topic.' that's a BIG mistake! Just because YOU like something does not mean your clients is going to like it! Also, just because one client likes it does not mean other clients will like it either! Allow me to explain by sharing a fundamental marketing lesson. The number one marketing mistake in any business is to produce a product or develop a service first, then attempt to find buyers.

On the other hand, the best marketers and speakers have a tendency to research to determine what the market is buying BEFORE producing the services or products. In your case, that means researching which speaking topics the market is booking. Then, these intelligent entrepreneurs market, market and market some more those speaking topics constantly to the consumers. In the event the consumers already purchase particular products/services (speaking topics), then doesn't it make sense to give the buyers what they really want to purchase (book), NOT what you believe they want to purchase (book)?

I realize some of you are thinking, "Why would I provide something for which there is already competition?" The reason to create more of the topic people are buying is because that is what the consumer wishes. Consider the diet industry, for instance! There is a new diet gimmick released monthly. Why? This is because consumer's want choice on the topic of losing weight. Therefore, the smartest marketers are seeking new ways to solve a popular problem.

BIG MARKETING LESSON: Provide buyers what they desire, NOT what you believe they need! Don't think that just because you really like your topic and title, those who possess the money to book speakers will, as well!

THE KEY: Research your speaking niche to determine which topics the event coordinators are realistically booking. Research may be derived by looking at articles on the industry, searching for past buying patterns, questioning consumers for their requests in topics or programming, as well as test marketing. There are businesses particularly dedicated to assisting you in gaining the most information about your customers. It may be worth an analysis of their products, or at least worth searching for their methods of analysis.

Once you have carried out your research, it's time to create your message. Most importantly, only after completing your research, package your presentation title and description to match what consumers are looking for in topics. As a bonus, add key words to your message that are industry specific. By including their language in your presentation, presentation titles, as well as descriptions, they are more likely to book you since it seems you get them on their level. However, be sure you understand that language, so place a little effort into making certain you are using it correctly, too. Only then could I promise that you will see an instant increase in your public speaking bookings!

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