Thursday 25 April 2013

James Malinchak's Don't Be A Goal Setter, Be A Sure Goal Doer Part 5 of 14 CD #3

By Liam Martin

James: You have 2 parts of your mind as I covered on a different section of this album, your conscious and your subconscious. Your conscious is what you and I are talking with and thinking with right now. When we go to sleep it goes to sleep. Your subconscious never sleeps. It accepts without a doubt anything you program into it.

If you program something specific that you would like it to figure out while you are sleeping and all day long while you're thinking with your conscious mind, your subconscious is working on what you have been programming it to do. Whether you realize that you're programming it or not, it is still working to figure that stuff out. That's why you have to be very careful.

If you walk around saying "Oh God. I am an idiot. I am terrible. I am a loser. I am a nobody." It's funny. You think its not sinking into your mind, but it is and your subconscious is trying to figure out how to validate what you just told it and bring it into your conscious mind.

That is why you have to be so specific on what your goals are and state that in the affirmative, in the positive sense and that you're doing this. Not I want to. I will do this. Its just you haven't figured out how yet. You will do it, you just haven't figured out the way to do it yet.

What you have to ask yourself when I talk about being specific and in all areas of your life.

* One is financial/income.

* Two is your career/profession or business.

* Three is your spirituality.

* Four is your mental as well as intellectual growth.

* Five is social and community. How you want to be looked at in the community. What do you want to do in the community? Do you want to make contributions?

* Six is your family life. These are in no particular order. I'm just naming them.

* Seven is your physical, health, recreation as well as your well-being.

So you have to write goals down for each and every one of those categories and you need to be specific. In each one of those categories you have to ask yourself what do I want? What will I achieve?

Then you have to be specific. When will I achieve it by? Be specific. It doesn't have to be a long drawn out paragraph for each one, just one little line for each one. I have over a thousand goals written down, people I want to meet, places I want to go, contributions I want to make to society, financially things I want to do, family wise things I want to do, spiritually...

I have got over a thousand different goals written down. Now it becomes your checklist.

Here's why it's so important. Here's why it's so important to get specific. Here's a simple little analogy. If you had to run errands; lets say you needed to drop your clothing off at the dry cleaners. You needed to mail some letters at the post office and then you needed to go to the grocery store and pick up eggs, butter and also dog food.

If you write them down on a little note and look at them you're constantly reminding yourself while you're out what you have to do. The majority of the time if you have that little list, that goal list if you will if you want to call it a goal list, you will almost 100% of the time drop your clothing off at the dry cleaners because you see it and check if off as a victory.

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