Wednesday 17 April 2013

James Malinchak's Get Up When Life Really Knocks You Down Part 10 of 10 CD #2

By Liam Martin

John: So these guys are walking around...

James: With backpacks on

John: With 20,000 yes I would be interested in this book forms.

James: They go into a company's booth and this is a huge trade show where all the publishers and agents are. People around the world come. They go into this booth of this tiny little publisher called Health Communications. They say here is our idea for this book. We'd like you to publish this book.

They said, "We're uncertain if we're interested."

They take the backpacks off and say, "Well we already have potential of 20,000 orders so we know that the worst case scenario you're going to break even. There's no risk for you to publish this book. Just what if?"

They had a business plan on what they were going to try and accomplish with this book.

"What if we are able to do this? You'd break even. You've got no risk." They took the risk out and that's one of the things I teach in business. You remove the risk if you'd like people to buy. They removed the risk and then just got them on what if this really works and we can do what we say we're going to do?

The guy said, "Let me read the stories. I will read them tonight and I will meet with you tomorrow." He read one of the stories and then a couple more stories and started to cry. It touched his spirit. It touched his heart. He came down and said, "I am going to publish this book for you."

Now look what it has done. It has sold over 130 million books. The publisher was about to declare bankruptcy and made 250 some million dollars and inspired people all over the world. Why?

Because 2 regular guys wouldn't quit and wouldn't believe that rejection exists. Can you imagine if they quit after rejection 7? Rejection is a myth. It's what you decide to do when somebody says no.

John: That's pretty inspiring and powerful because I know a number of the letters they've gotten where they saved people's lives and some of those lives wouldn't have been saved if they believed rejection was real and they felt rejected. So that's very powerful.

James: Absolutely.

John: And you threw that it as sort of a bonus. That was even one of the five keys.

Is there anything else? Do you have any final words of wisdom?

James: I just want to say understand that you're going to face adversity and rejection. It is just a part of life. The next time you're going through tough times I want you to remember this. Tough times don't last. They are just like storms and eventually they pass so you have got to ride out the storm.

I really like what Dr. Robert Schuller says, "Tough times do not last, tough people do."

I always say be thankful for the adversity that you encounter in life because I believe adversity is the best University because from adversity we're taught lessons if we only let our eyes and ears to catch the message and learn from it. Learn from the adversity.

Why did it happen? What can I learn from it? What is the hidden message? How can I stop it from happening again? How can I use it as fuel to make me stronger rather than to let it slice me down like a hot knife cutting through butter?

It just comes back to your attitude. Learn from the adversity and allow it to make you stronger and propel you to higher levels so that you can achieve more than ever before. You can look at adversity as something negative or positive.

You can view adversity as something that cuts you down or just springboards you to higher levels. That's what I want you to do. That's what I'm challenging you to do. I believe that you could do it, now go do it.

John: James thank you for teaching us these 5 keys on how to get up when life knocks you down.

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