Saturday 19 October 2013

How To Help The Elderly Have A Secure Home

By Mark Mahaffey

Do you have a friend or a loved one who is a senior citizen? If so, you may spend time being concerned about he or she being safe. This is normal. The elderly can be at an increased risk of being injured or even suffering a break in at their homes. However, due to the fact that older people often have less money, they may not spend the needed money on home security.

This is not a good idea, because now they need a secure home more than ever. Not only are they at risk of having their home broken into, but they could be at risk for health related problems. They could have an immobilizing fall, have a stroke or heart attack or need help during a storm or other weather related emergency.

If you are responsible for helping an elderly person stay safe and live in a secure home, you should take heart. There are many things you can do to help them. One of the first things you should do is to have a security system installed in their home. A security system is a critical line of defense when it comes to increasing home security.

You may think that a home alarm system is too expensive, even though it would guarantee that your friend or loved one would have a more secure home. But home security systems are not just for the rich any longer. There are systems available now that even people on a fixed income can afford.

Also, for those elderly people who may have medical issues, you can use medical monitoring. This is a system that can be connected to a monitoring company which will provide emergency help no matter the time of the day or the night. The elderly person simply needs to be given a button to push if they need help. Whether they fall down or start having a health emergency, they can push the button and get help quickly.

And of course, the home alarm system will also help to keep would be intruders out of the home. The simple act of placing a sign in the yard that alerts burglars that a home security system is installed is sometimes all that is needed. Many crooks will not attempt to break into a home that has an alarm system installed.

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