Wednesday 23 October 2013

Know Your Numbers, Make More Money

By Glenda Baronya

Smart and savvy entrepreneurs all throughout history have understood the importance of "knowing your numbers" when it comes to business mastery. And while hammering the essentials and foundational elements of getting all of your numbers right - and knowing exactly what they are - has always been important in commerce, it's become absolutely mission critical thanks to the competitive business environment we currently live in. With everyone and anyone able to start their own online business with little more than a laptop, Internet connection, and dream, you're going to face the stiffest business competition in human history. Unless you know all of your numbers - as they come rolling in - you're going to be losing money to those who are tracking essential details more effectively than you are.

Luckily, with tools like, this shouldn't be a problem in any way, shape, or form - but here are just a handful of the essentials you'll want to pay close attention to. Understand where the majority of your "profitable" traffic is coming from. There's a major difference between understanding where the majority of your traffic is coming from, and where the majority of your PROFITABLE traffic is coming from. Pushing hundreds of thousands of people to a web site and only converting a small fraction of them is less beneficial to your business than pushing just a few hundred people to your web site and converting the overwhelming majority of them. This is something that your analytics will tell you right off the bat, giving you inside information about where to focus the majority of your efforts when it comes to traffic generation.

First and foremost, is a tool designed to boost your conversion rates dramatically. Working to track and target, redirect and shortened, and split test and optimize each and every one of your links, you're going to have instant access to an unparalleled amount of data to master Internet marketing like never before.

If you're still not absolutely, positively, 100% sure that click tracking is for you, here are just some of the reasons you want to invest in a tool like just as soon as humanly possible. Understand exactly where your customers are coming from geographically to set up campaigns targeted towards their demographic. Find out which percentage of your users are browsing your web properties on a mobile device, and determine whether or not a mobile ready version of your websites should be created.Cloak your affiliate links so that other online businesses aren't "poaching" your affiliate commissions. Determine which of your marketing campaigns are making money, which campaigns are losing money, and what you can do to optimize each of them. Discover who your most profitable customers (or traffic sources) are, and focus the majority of your resources there. Eliminate wasteful spending by abandoning clicks that are coming from sources that do not spend money on your products or services.

You will love the incredible geo-targeting capabilities. Imagine if you could promote specific offers to specific regions of the planet (in their native languages), without wasting any of your money on any other marketplace. With, you can. It also has instant IP rotation and redirection. If you know that someone hasn't purchased from you - even though they've seen your very best sales material - why would you waste another two, three, or five or 10 clicks on them again? You would - and with you don't have to. You can push them to any number of other products, services, or landing pages that you have available, hoping to cash in on those offers. And finally, it has instant social media integration. We all know how powerful viral marketing can be, and allows you to tap into that phenomenon. All of the major social media networks are integrated into, and you'll be able to encourage viral sharing of your marketing messages with ease.

We have an amazing opportunity for the first time in human history here, where all of the barriers to commerce have been obliterated. Don't squander this chance - unlock the numbers, find new ways to optimize them, and create the business (lifestyle) of your dreams.

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